Super Coffee Score
4.9Alpha Worthy
Third-Party Reviews

In a world crowded with organic, zero sugar sports and energy drinks, Super Coffee claims it’s different. How? Well, it offers “all-day energy from protein and healthy fats.” Of course it does so without sugar via natural sweetening. Fifty Alpha decided to test these claims and find if Super Coffee is really so super.

Start with the coffee. It’s made from 100% organic Colombian beans–a strong foundation but nothing special there. More interesting is the health fats are MCT oil derived from coconut oil, although the Super Coffee Difference section of the website features a sketch of an avocado as the source of MCT oil. Medical consensus is that MCT has a range of benefits, including energy, weight loss and fighting inflammation. So certainly super characteristics for a drink. [for hyperlink]

Each 12oz bottle of Super Coffee also contains 10g of whey protein and 200mg of caffeine. So make no mistake. The product packs a healthy punch. I found it particularly good pick up around 2pm, when the post-lunch lull usually sneaks up on me, leaving me listless. Instead, a quick Super Coffee got me back on track, done surfing the web and revitalized.

However, it took me a few tries to find a flavor I really liked. The mocha was too strong. I liked the Original fine and the Hazelnut too, but he Vanilla was my favorite– smooth, tasty and just sweet enough. Super Coffee actually uses Monk fruit as a no-sugar, no-calorie all natural sweetener, and it definitely worked for me.

So far, so good for Super Coffee. But how does it stand up to the competition, and there’s seemingly plenty of it. Yet Super Coffee’s 80 calories per [bottle] is a stark contrast to Starbuck’s 290 calories, Dunkin’s 270 calories and McDonald’s 260 calories for comparably sized offers. [VIJAR, JAY: ARE THESE REALLY COMPETITORS TO SUPER COFFEE, LET’S DISCUSS].


All in all, Super Coffee really is a super, an inspired combination of coffee and an energy drink. It delivers punch, giving you energy when you needed, plus protein for workouts and a jolt of sweet too. It works great as a midday pick me up, and I can easily see it being consumed in vast quantities by everyone from college freshmen during exam week to middle-age cube jockeys like me. It’s a welcome new add to the 50 Alpha list!

The Five Ss

Solve: Super Coffee solves for the need for a new kind of energy drink, one that combines a strong boost with healthy ingredients and the benefits of protein.

Simplify: Super Coffee simplifies the choice between coffee and energy drinks, combining the best of both worlds.

Surprise: Super Coffee surprises with [JAY, VIJAR, LET’S DISCUSS]

Serve: Super Coffee was created to serve collegiate athletes but turns out to be a surprisingly effective solution for just about anybody leading an on-the-go lifestyle.

Sustain: Super Coffee creates a new need with its brilliant combination of coffee and energy drink and is a real candidate for developing into a long-term sustainable brand, part of the daily lives of millions.

What is Super Coffee?

Super Coffee is a ready-to-drink blend of organic Colombian coffee, whey protein concentrate, coconut MCT oil, natural flavor, potassium phosphate, gellan gum and organic green coffee extract (anti-oxidiant). It is sugar free, lactose free, soy free and gluten free and contains 10 grams of protein.

The Super Coffee Story

Super Coffee was born to solve a real-life problem–a college athlete too exhausted to stay awake in class due to a gruelling early-morning practice schedule. So, Jordan DeCicco, the youngest of three brothers and Super Coffee’s founder, started mixing up his own magic brews.

As a backstory, Supercoffee is a family-owned business and was invented in the youngest brother’s dorm room who found coffee to be the only solution to his erratic sleep schedule. The three brothers pitched their idea on NBC’s Shark Tank and went on to build a million dollar brand. [add various links here]

[we can feature interviews and then publish the 50 Alpha Guide to Entrepreneurship!]

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